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Finnish old beer glass

Item No. jk033.
Finnish old beer glass.
Height 20 cm, diameter 7 cm...

Product: 00910

Stock: 2 pcs

Price: 25.00 €

Coffee cup, Tehdas Lampinen (Factory Lampinen)

Product no ac740.
Coffee cup. Manufacturer: Tehdas Lampinen (factory Lampinen).
Weight 129 g.

Product: 03515

Stock: 0 pcs

Price: 25.00 €

Arabia, coffee pot

Product no ac697.
Arabia coffee pot. Year, 1949-64.
Height 20,5 cm, diameter 11,5 cm, weight 740 g.
Small comment, picture 2.

Product: 03443

Stock: 0 pcs

Price: 115.00 €

Old domestic liqueur wine glass.

Item no kam002.
Old domestic liqueur wine glass.
Height 12 cm, diameter of 6 cm, weight 83 g.
Glasses have small air bubbles...

Product: 08533

Stock: 0 pcs

Price: 12.00 €

Drinking glass, Maxi-glass, Verna. Design, Kerttu Nurminen

Item No. at451. Drinking glass, Maxi-glass, Verna.
Design, Kerttu Nurminen, Iittala. Height 18 cm, diameter 8.5 cm...

Product: 772171

Stock: 0 pcs

Price: 25.00 €

Small decorative bowl, Esteri Tomula

Item No. ad159 Small decorative bowl. Design: Esteri Tomula. Height 6 cm, 5.5 cm diameter of the mouth. Weight 0.56 kg.

Product: 04173

Stock: 0 pcs

Price: 70.00 €

Wall plate, Heljä Liukko-Sundström

Product no sl054.
Wall plate.
Design: Heljä Liukko-Sundström.
Width 11 cm.

Product: 00743

Stock: 0 pcs

Price: 45.00 €

Drinking glass

Product no ab640.
Colored drinking glass. Manufacturer: Iittala.
Height 7 cm, diameter 7,5 cm.

Product: 02545

Stock: 0 pcs

Price: 20.00 €